

Hosting The Apocalypse Run

On Sunday we are hosting The Apocalypse Run, which also includes a Canicross (lots of very excited dogs racing alongside their human). The race starts at 10am with the runners following a 10 mile route up into the woods. The Box will be providing drinks and refreshments. Our vending machines will also be open and loaded with milk and other local produce. The organisers YPB Events will be giving Stonehouse Milk a donation to our chosen cause in return for

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£520 raised and now supporting Sunflowers Suicide Support

Over June, July and August our Stonehouse Milk customers have raised £520 for Stroud Court Community Trust, supporting autistic adults. The next charity that we will be supporting is Sunflowers Suicide Support, who are dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of those bereaved and affected by suicide in Gloucestershire. 5p of every litre of milk sold through the vending machine over the next 3 months will be donated. #instroud #milkvendingmachine

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Titch and her friends

Titch and her friends have moved to the pen alongside the vending shed. Titch was born a month premature and has had a lot of challenges. She was born in March and is still very small, compare her to June who yes you’ve guessed it was born in… Titch loves a fuss and is very gentle.

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Bisley Lane Farm

Excited to be supplying Stancombe Beech Farm Shop

We are excited to be supplying Stancombe Beech Farm Shop with milk. Bisley Lane Farm who produce the free range meats found in our vending machine has now taken over Stancombe Beech Farm Shop. Their new milk vending machine can be found to you right as you enter their shop. You are able to vend litre and half litre bottles at £1.60 and 80p respectively. Bottles can be purchased in the shop (£2 and £1.50) or you can bring your

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Hosting the Standish Woods Chase

This weekend on Sunday we are hosting the Stroud Athletics Club Standish Woods chase. 10 miles on mixed terrain up the hill into the woods. The runners set off at 10am and are usually back in under an hour! Refreshments will be available from Come along and enjoy a milkshake, hot drink and cake sat by our orchard and cheer the runners on. #instroud #shoplocal #milkvendingmachine

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