Stonehouse Milk – Local, Fresh, Free Range Milk

Our cows
Our milking herd compromises of 100 cows, comprising of UK bred Dairy Shorthorns with a few other breeds such as Brown Swiss (Diana) and Friesians. We are passionate about our cows and their health and happiness. The cows can be seen happily grazing in the fields around Stonehouse and Standish.
The Shorthorn breed of cattle, known for its excellent milk quality, temperament and longevity, which we know today, has evolved over the last two centuries, from Teeswater and Durham cattle found originally in the North East of England.
- Excellent milk quality
- Graze outside for at least 180 days and 120 nights of the year
- Free range dairy 'Pasture Promise' member
- UK Bred
Our farm
We farm as a family of five, John, Jenny and our three adventurous boys.

Our community
We are passionate about producing and supplying ethically sourced milk to our local community.
We aim to:
- Improve the local economy
- Create more local jobs
- Establish educational connections with local schools
- Utilise the ‘Countryside Stewardship Schemes’
We will be:
- Donating 5p of every litre of vended milk sold to a local charity.
Our milk
We sell our fresh free range milk through a self service milk vending machine (the first in the local area) on our farm in branded glass bottles, or you are welcome to bring your own vessel. You can clean and reuse our bottles or your own when making future purchases.
We will also be offering a range of yummy flavoured milkshake shots.
- Our milk is Free Range (Pasture Promise Member)
- Milk goes from our herd to machine in under 24 hours
- Gently pasteurised which retains the flavour
- Non-homogenised = creamy taste and more nutrient rich